Wake me Up when September Ends
It’s crazy how fast your world can change. One minute I knew NOTHING about ovarian cancer and now I see things about it everywhere. I recently took my mother-in-law, Margaret Morris, to an Amish bakery called Rise and Roll just a few days after my mom’s diagnosis. I go to swipe my credit card by the register and there are bracelets, brochures and flyers all about Ovarian Cancer! It was Leslie Figg who told me about the teal ribbons that were all over my hometown and I would have never noticed them before now. My Uncle Brian purchased some pins and I have been handing out bracelets. It’s not going away anytime soon.
They say Mercury was in retrograde and weird things would happen in September. I would say September 2022 has now earned the title as the hardest month of my life as I feel helpless to some degree. There is a song by Green Day with the title “Wake Me Up When September Ends”. I kept thinking about it as I hoped learning about my moms cancer diagnosis was a bad dream. Since it’s not, the only way to think now is how we will fight this.